Everyone was shocked when Sri Krishna proposed, they should send a Shanti Doot (Peace Messenger) to Hastinapur, then then capital of Kuru Dynasty. The Rathis and MahaRathis present in the Raj Sabha stood up against the idea and rejected the proposal outright. One of them was Bhima who had pledged to Kill Duryodhana and drink blood of Dushashana - the two Kuru Rajkumars who insulted/attempted to disrobe Draupadi in the broad day light, in front of hundreds of Men. He kind of yelled at Sri Krishna and asked why is he going so soft on this matter and proposing a Peace Talk or a Shanti Varta. He asked, what will happen to the Pledge he has taken if they initiate the Shanti Varta and the war never happens. Shri Krisha stood firm with his proposal and said : "Peace, at any cost, is Supreme". Most of us do not follow what Krishna's teachings are, instead we make our own decisions contrary to what Krishna would have done in the same situation. We need Sr...