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Unveiling Core Concerns: The Tale of Telecom Companies and SIM Card Woes in India

In the digital age, our smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, connecting us to the world at our fingertips. However, this convenience can quickly turn into frustration when faced with recurring SIM card issues. A recent series of experiences raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and customer service in the realm of Indian telecom companies. Frequent SIM Card Conundrums  Imagine this scenario: your phone suddenly loses network connectivity, disrupting your daily life and routine. You rush to the authorized store, only to be informed that your SIM card is damaged, necessitating a replacement for a fee. Such situations, unfortunately, have become all too familiar for many users, including a couple who shared their story. A few weeks ago, one member of this couple experienced a sudden disruption in phone service. A visit to the authorized store led to the revelation that the SIM card was damaged and required replacement, at a cost of ₹100. Simila...
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